Jessica Zink

Jessica Zink was born and raised in Rochester, NY and earned her BS/MS in Physician Assistant Studies from Rochester Institute of Technology. She completed a postgraduate Physician Assistant Pediatric Surgical Fellowship at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, TX where she developed her passion for working with congenital heart patients. After completion of her fellowship, she remained in Texas where she worked as a Congenital Heart Surgery PA at Texas Children's Hospital and Dell Children's Medical Center while completing her Doctorate of Medical Sciences degree from the University of Lynchburg. Outside of work, Jessica has enjoyed working with various volunteer organizations and community outreach groups such as the Special Olympics and the American Cancer Society. Jessica is excited to return home to the northeast with her family, and is currently working as a Congenital Heart Surgery PA at Maine Medical Center in Portland, ME. Throughout her career she has remained passionate about congenital heart disease research and advocacy, and is ecstatic to be a part of The Children's Heart Foundation New England Region.