June 10 • 4-6 p.m. Central

Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, FAAP, FACC
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Dr. Joseph Rossano serves as chief of the Division of Cardiology and is the Jennifer Terker Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Dr. Rossano manages the heart failure, transplant, and cardiac mechanical support programs at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where he also trains residents and fellows. Dr. Rossano conducts research on the epidemiology and outcomes of heart disease in children. Specifically, his research includes investigating the use of ventricular assist devices and artificial hearts in children, studying the effectiveness of post-transplant treatments for children who have received heart transplants, and an observational study of children with heart failure. He has also been involved with building a registry of pediatric heart transplant patients that aims to further the knowledge of pediatric heart disease and transplantation.
Virtual Research Reception: June 10 from 4-6 p.m. Central
HOPE THAT HEALS: Treating Patients with Cardiomyopathies + Ongoing Research and New Advances in the Field
Register here: https://event.gives/rossano