Bronson's Story

Bronson Cory Bullock
Beloved Son of Sarah Corey and Mario Bullock
March 3rd, 2017- February 15th, 2021
In July of 2016, we found out we were pregnant with our second child. We were overjoyed with the news. Unfortunately, our excitement turned into immediate worry, because at the same appointment they told us something was wrong with his heart. A few days later I met with a Maternal fetal medicine doctor who did a Fetal Echocardiogram & diagnosed our son with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS).
Bronson was born March 3rd, 2017. He weighed 6 lbs 2.4 oz & was absolutely perfect. Due to the severity of his heart condition, he was immediately taken to the NICU for additional testing & observation. After I was taken out of recovery, they brought me up to see him. I wasn’t able to hold him & only had a few minutes before he was transferred to the Children’s Hospital several miles away. I was finally released from the hospital on March 6th. The following day, Bronson underwent his 1st OHS, The Norwood, at 4 days old. He spent the first 47 days of his life in the PICU before getting to come home for the first time.
During the next several months we enjoyed watching Bronson grow into his own. He was such a little spit fire and so full of life. He loved spending time with his big sister, Zoe and got lots of cuddles from mommy and daddy. On August 3rd, 2017, at 5 months old Bronson underwent his 2nd OHS, the Glenn. He spent 21 days in the PICU before being discharged. Each surgery went well, with the exception of a Chylothorax.
The next several years seemed “normal”. We were able to enjoy our time home, with occasional doctor's appointments and intermittent hospital stays here and there. By now, Bronson was forming his own litter personality. He was truly the happiest little boy. Running around the house like a crazy boy, jumping off the couch, tormenting the dogs, playing dress up with his sister and just enjoying life. We were finally starting to feel a sense normalcy.
The summer of 2020 came and we knew Bronson was gearing up for his 3rd OHS, The Fontan. We were hopeful this was going to be the last surgery until he needed a transplant, which we anticipated would be years down the road. Bronson had his Fontan on August 11th. During his Fontan, they also repaired his leaky tricuspid valve. The surgery was long and complicated, but the surgeon felt confident. Unfortunately, after spending 4 weeks in the hospital, Bronson was showing signs of worsening heart failure. On September 20th, he was transferred to the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin to be evaluated for a Heart Transplant. He was listed status 1A on October 2nd, 2020. Bronson was placed on a Berlin VAD (4th OHS) to bridge him to a transplant. Unfortunately, after numerous complications- the Berlin VAD, a 6-day stint on ECMO and a VAD Change, Bronson suffered a massive stroke. The neurologist gave us a VERY grim outlook on his recovery. During this time, they had taken him off the transplant list while trying to evaluate his neurological status. I fought tooth and nail to give him a chance at a positive recovery. I was successful. Bronson was awake, interacting with people and proving the doctors wrong. On January 15th, 2021 Bronson was RE-LISTED for a heart transplant. He received his Heart offer on January 30th and was transplanted the following day. The next 2 weeks were unimaginable. He suffered numerous traumas during his transplant causing liver and kidney damage which resulted in dialysis. The new heart wasn’t functioning properly and he suffered “global trauma” to his brain. After spending 193 days in the hospital, the love of my life passed away peacefully in my arms on February 15th, 2021 surround by all the people who loved him the most.